Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Meet the Library Staff

Every couple of weeks we will feature a library staff member.  They will answer a couple of questions so you can get to know them better.  Feel free to stop in and say hi!

This week we're featuring our Area Director of Learning Resources, Tina Walker.  Tina has offices in McCook and North Platte.  While primarily housed in McCook, Tina can be found in North Platte on Wednesdays. 

Personal info:   I am married with one cat (she is our child).  I have been in school way too long.  I have a Bachelors in Criminal Justice, a Master’s in Business Administration, and a Master’s in Library and Information Science.  It was hard to finish up that last degree but it was worth it!

How long have you been with MPCC?  2 ½ years

What is the best thing about your MPCC library?  It is small and we are on first name basis with students.  Feels like home.

What’s your favorite part of the job?  Interacting with students and faculty daily.  Sharing my knowledge with others.

What do you like do in your free time?  Read.  Imagine that.

What’s your favorite book?  Any Dean Koontz book.

What’s your favorite word?  Omniscient

What’s your least favorite word?  Fine – it is not an answer.  Too vague.

If you weren’t in the library profession, what would you be doing?  Professor or Human Resource Manager


Monday, January 20, 2014

Study Tips for a Successful Semester

Whew!  You made it through the first week of classes!  Now what?  Use the following study tips to continue on with your successful semester.

Study Groups - Get together with a couple of students from class to go over class materials once or twice a week.  Not only is it a great way to meet new friends, but you can go over work with peers to better comprehend or feel confident about the class.  

Time Management- Your time is precious. It's best to find a schedule that works for you and stick to it.  Try to study at the same time every day, pretty soon it will be a habit.  Avoid cramming for tests the night before.  By studying every day, you'll be well rested because you didn't have to pull an all-nighter.  

Attend Class - Be on time, sit up front and actively participate.  You'll retain information and be ready for assignments and exams. 

Ask Questions - Your instructors list their office hours in the syllabus.  If you have a question, don't hesitate to stop by their office and ask.  

Visit the Library - Your MPCC libraries offer a wealth of information!  Study at any of the tables or in one of the comfortable seating areas.  Your librarians are happy to proof-read any papers and look at your citations for formatting.  Don't forget, if your library doesn't have it they can get it from another library within a week!

Live Life - Don't forget to take some time out of your day for me time.  Whether it's only a 15 minute brisk walk, it's just enough to clear your head and start in on the next task. 

Keep in mind that everyone is different. Find what works for you to make the most out of your education!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Spring 2014 Semester

Whether you are a returning student or just starting out, welcome!  Some quick facts about your library:

  • Libraries are open from 7:30am-9:30pm M-Th, 7:30am-4:00pm F and 5:00pm-9:30pm Sunday eve. 
  • We offer coffee every day!
  • We have local newspapers and a selection of magazines to view.
  • Use our study table of comfy seating to study or just relax before class.
  • The libraries have laptops available for use.  Print or scan course materials.  Make copies (for a small fee).  
  • Library staff are happy to give 1 on 1 library instruction, just ask!
  • The library is the only place on campus to get your Student ID. 
We're always happy to help, if you have any questions just ask!